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Pastor’s Word: “A Few Things I Believe about the Church and the Pastor”| “教会与牧师,我确信”

    1)      The church should not be a place for human maneuvering.  God’s Will needs to be our sole motivator for why we gather in His name.  Worship is about God!
    2)      No two churches, or two leaders, are the same, nor do they have the same gifting.   Comparisons are counterproductive.  Even the same church body should be constantly evolving for relevancy as society demands adjustments.
    3)      We must be theologically sound while being methodologically fluid toward our changing society…asking hard questions of ourselves?  We serve together!

    4)      A pastor should focus on Christ by living Christ’s values.  Satisfying the expectations or traditions of men, or a church, is never the goal of a pastor for his “call” comes from God and not men.

    5)      A pastor should respect the church’s needs as he speaks “truth” out of a love and burden for His people.   He is not called to a “ministry of avoidance” but to a ministry of sharing Christ’s standards and values even when they demand much from us all.

    6)      No pastor is beyond question in his ministry.  With most of the daily ministry decisions being unknown to the broader congregation, the pastor must remember that God is Omniscient and clearly cognizant of all of our behaviors and actions.   My prayer is simply that our church recognizes both our limitations and spiritual desire to make bold and dependent decisions that push our church to be a meaningful witness within a world that has lost its’ way.

    7)      God can heal a church.  A pastor cannot.

    8)      Preaching is frustrating for a pastor.  He researches and prepares to share the message he feels is from God only to have few people willing to apply what is presented.  Yet, there is always a faithful remnant to encourage things forward!

    9)      Not every pastor matches the needs of any particular church.  Admit it.

    10)  What churches want from a pastor is not always what they need from one.

    11) To “pastor” is not about Ordination, Position, or a Title but has to do with a response toward God’s “Calling to Servanthood”.  It calls for active availability and service of lifestyle and continuing ministry as the church (the people of God gathered) have need.  We are never beyond the danger of sin in our own lives.  We require prayer, daily!

    12) Many Sunday School teachers and deacons in churches daily “pastor” others with their lives as God chooses to use their witness and care for others.

    13) Matt. 6 reminds us all that our behavior is not to be praised by man.  False humility or even service to our Lord may contain danger IF our motivation is to gain the praise or admiration of man. God must be the Pastor’s Audience, not man.

    ***Of course, we all would like to believe that our lives are Godly but, for that to happen, we have to be hungry after His Will even before our own….not easily accomplished!  Let us leave our church in His hands and only allow God to be our only true judge for our service.

    1)      The church should not be a place for human maneuvering.  God’s Will needs to be our sole motivator for why we gather in His name.  Worship is about God!
    2)      No two churches, or two leaders, are the same, nor do they have the same gifting.   Comparisons are counterproductive.  Even the same church body should be constantly evolving for relevancy as society demands adjustments.
    3)      We must be theologically sound while being methodologically fluid toward our changing society…asking hard questions of ourselves?  We serve together!

    4)      A pastor should focus on Christ by living Christ’s values.  Satisfying the expectations or traditions of men, or a church, is never the goal of a pastor for his “call” comes from God and not men.

    5)      A pastor should respect the church’s needs as he speaks “truth” out of a love and burden for His people.   He is not called to a “ministry of avoidance” but to a ministry of sharing Christ’s standards and values even when they demand much from us all.

    6)      No pastor is beyond question in his ministry.  With most of the daily ministry decisions being unknown to the broader congregation, the pastor must remember that God is Omniscient and clearly cognizant of all of our behaviors and actions.   My prayer is simply that our church recognizes both our limitations and spiritual desire to make bold and dependent decisions that push our church to be a meaningful witness within a world that has lost its’ way.

    7)      God can heal a church.  A pastor cannot.

    8)      Preaching is frustrating for a pastor.  He researches and prepares to share the message he feels is from God only to have few people willing to apply what is presented.  Yet, there is always a faithful remnant to encourage things forward!

    9)      Not every pastor matches the needs of any particular church.  Admit it.

    10)  What churches want from a pastor is not always what they need from one.

    11) To “pastor” is not about Ordination, Position, or a Title but has to do with a response toward God’s “Calling to Servanthood”.  It calls for active availability and service of lifestyle and continuing ministry as the church (the people of God gathered) have need.  We are never beyond the danger of sin in our own lives.  We require prayer, daily!

    12) Many Sunday School teachers and deacons in churches daily “pastor” others with their lives as God chooses to use their witness and care for others.

    13) Matt. 6 reminds us all that our behavior is not to be praised by man.  False humility or even service to our Lord may contain danger IF our motivation is to gain the praise or admiration of man. God must be the Pastor’s Audience, not man.

    ***Of course, we all would like to believe that our lives are Godly but, for that to happen, we have to be hungry after His Will even before our own….not easily accomplished!  Let us leave our church in His hands and only allow God to be our only true judge for our service.


    1. 教会不应是人计谋的地方。上帝的旨意应是我们奉主名聚集的唯一动机。我们敬拜的是 上帝!
      2. 没有两家教会,或两位领袖是一样的;他们的恩赐不相同。比较是无效的。甚至同一家教会都需要不断随着社会要求改变。
      3. 我们必须有健全的神学及有弹性的传福音方法,应变面对不断演变的社会…不断自我反省?我们同心服事!
      4. 牧者必须活出以基督为重心的生命;满足人、教会的期望和传统不是牧师的的目标,因为牧师的「呼召」是出于上帝,而非人。
      5. 牧者需要尊重教会的需要,以爱心和对会友的负担说「诚实话」。牧师被呼召不是因为有「圣职空缺」,而是要事奉分享基督的标准与价值。
      6. 不是所有牧者的事奉都没有问题。由于很多日常决策大部份会众是不知道的,牧者要记得上帝是无所不知的,祂知道我们所有的行为及行动。我的祷告是:会众明白我们牧者的限制及期盼能推动教会勇于在这迷失的世代为主作见证的决心。
      7. 上帝能医治教会,一个牧师不能。
      8. 讲道对牧师是很挫折的一件事。因为牧者钻读经文,准备他以为从上帝而来的信息,但却只有少数人愿意听从实践;还好有其他忠实的会众鼓励我们向前行。
      9. 我们要承认的事实:不是每一个牧者都能满足任一教会的所有需要。
      10. 会众期望的牧者常常不是他们真正需要的牧人。
      11. 「牧师」不是为了按牧礼、身份地位或者一个头衔,而是回应上帝「呼召,成为服事上帝的仆人。」在教会有需要的时候能够积极参与和全身事奉。我们不都是完美无罪的。我们需要「天天」祷告!
      12. 教会里很多主日学老师和执事被上帝捡选,天天在教会里以他们的生命见证做「牧者」牧养其他人。
      13. 马太福音第六章提醒我们不是要得人称赞。如果我们的动机是为要得人的爱慕、赞美,我们虚假的谦卑或事奉会有危险。牧师的观众必须是上帝,不是人。

      ***当然,每个人都希望相信自己的生活是圣洁的;果真如此,我们必须渴慕成就神的心意,超过成就自己的心意!……这不是件易事。让我们将教会全然交托给 上帝,让 祂为我们的服事做唯一、真实的判断。